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uonoshota1982 <at>


Research Articles


Sato, W., Shimokawa, K., Uono, S., & Minato, T. (2024). Mentalistic attention orienting triggered by android eyes. Scientific Reports, 14, 23143.

魚野翔太 (2024).自閉スペクトラム症の社会的コミュニケーションと記憶の特徴.EMDR研究, 16, 1, 13-19.

江頭優佳・林小百合・魚野翔太・高田美希・請園正敏・岡田俊 (2024).COVID-19パンデミック下での神経発達症研究とこれから.心理学評論, 67, 1, 76-89.

江頭優佳・林小百合・魚野翔太・高田美希・請園正敏・岡田俊 (2024). ADHD児における時間知覚機能不全と不適応行動との関連の解明―介入方略の開発を目指して―.発達研究 : 発達科学研究教育センター紀要, 38, 23-36.


Uono, S., Egashira, Y., Hayashi, S., Takada, M., Ukezono, M., & Okada, T. (2023). Reduced gaze-cueing effect with neutral and emotional faces in adults with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 168, 310-317.

江頭優佳・林小百合・魚野翔太・高田美希・請園正敏・岡田俊 (2023). 時間知覚と脳構造・脳機能に基づくADHD病態の類型化の試み.公益財団法人明治安田こころの健康財団研究助成論文集,58,63-70.

江頭優佳・林小百合・魚野翔太・高田美希・請園正敏・岡田俊 (2023). ADHD児における時間知覚機能不全と不適応行動との関連の解明:介入方略の開発を目指して:中間報告.発達研究 : 発達科学研究教育センター紀要,37,75-80.

Zhao, S., Uono, S., Hu, R.-Q., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2023). Self-referential and social salient information influences memory following attention orienting. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1092512. [Article]


林小百合・江頭優佳・魚野翔太・岡田俊 (2022). 注意欠如・多動症における社会的報酬の報酬頻度が実行機能に与える影響の検討. 公益財団法人明治安田こころの健康財団研究助成論文集, 57, 40-46.

魚野翔太・佐藤弥 (2022). 自閉スペクトラム症における表情認知の障害と表情表出の特異性. 脳神経内科, 97, 1, 31-37.

Hayashi, S., Nisimura, Y., Ikeda, Y., Nakashima, H., Egashira, Y., Ukezono, M., Uono, S., Okada, T., & Higuchi, S. (2022). Beauty in everyday motion: electrophysiological correlates of aesthetic preference for human walking. Neuropsychologia, 170, 108232.

Uono, S., Egashira, Y., Hayashi, S., Takada, M., Ukezono, M., & Okada, T. (2022). No influence of emotional faces or autistic trais on gaze-cueing in general population. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 864116. [Article]

Uono, S., Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Yoshimura, S., Sawada, R., Kubota, Y., Sakihama, M., & Toichi, M. (2022). The structural neural correlates of atypical facial expression recognition in autism spectrum disorder. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 16, 3, 1428-1440. [PDF]


Uono, S., Sato, W., Sawada, R., Kawakami, S., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2021). Schizotypy is associated with difficulties detecting emotional facial expressions. Royal Society Open Science, 8, 211322. [Article]

Uono, S., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2021). Eye contact perception in high-functioning adults with autism spectrum disorder. Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice, 25, 1, 137-147. [PDF]


Kawakami, S., Uono, S., Otsuka, S., Zhao, S., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2020). Atypical multisensory integration and the temporal binding window in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50, 11, 3944–3956. [PDF]

Sato, W., Uono, S., & Kochiyama, T. (2020). Neurocognitive mechanisms underlying social atypicalities in autism: Weak amygdala’s emotional modulation hypothesis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 864. [PDF]

Kawakami, S., Uono, S., Otsuka, S., Zhao, S., & Toichi, M. (2020). Everything has its time: Narrow temporal windows are associated with high levels of autistic traits via weaknesses in multisensory integration. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50, 1561–1571.

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Sawada, R., & Yoshikawa, S. (2020). Amygdala activity related to perceived social support. Scientific Reports, 10, 2951. [PDF]


Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Yoshimura, S., Kubota, Y., Sawada, R., Sakihama, M., & Toichi, M. (2019). Atypical amygdala-neocortex interaction during dynamic facial expression processing in autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13, 351. [PDF]

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Sawada, R., Kubota, Y., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2019). Resting-state neural activity and connectivity associated with subjective happiness. Scientific Reports, 9, 12098. [PDF]

*Sato, W., & *Uono, S. (2019). The atypical social brain network in autism: Advances in structural and functional MRI studies. Current Opinion in Neurology, 32, 4, 617-621. [PDF]*Equal contributors

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Sawada, R., Kubota, Y., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2019). Widespread and lateralized social brain activity for processing dynamic facial expressions. Human Brain Mapping, 40, 13, 3753-3768. [PDF]

Kubota, Y., Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Yoshimura, S., Sawada, R., & Toichi, M. (2019). Corticostrial-limbic correlates of sub-clinical obsessive-complusive traits. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 30, 40-46.[PDF]


Zhao, S., Uono, S., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2018). A functional but atypical self: Influence of self-relevant processing on the gaze cueing effect in autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research, 11, 11, 1522-1531.

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Usui, N., Kondo, A., Matsuda, K., Usui, K., Inoue, Y., & Toichi, M. (2018). Analyzing neural activity and connectivity using intracranial EEG data with the SPM software. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 140, e58187. [PDF]

Uono, S., Sato, W., Sawada, R., Kochiyama, T., & Toichi, M. (2018). Spatiotemporal commonalities of fronto-parietal activation in attentional orienting triggered by supraliminal and subliminal gaze cues: An event-related potential study. Biological Psychology, 136, 29-38. [Abstract]

Zhao, S., Uono, S., Li, C., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2018). The influence of self-referential processing on attentional orienting in frontoparietal networks. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, 199. [PDF]


Yoshimura, S., Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Sawada, R., Kubota, Y., & Toichi, M. (2017). Gray matter volumes of early sensory regions are associated with individual differences in sensory processing. Human Brain Mapping, 38, 12, 6206-6217. [PDF]

Sato, W., Sawada, R., Uono, S., Yoshimura, S., Kochiyama, T., Kubota, Y., Sakihama, M., & Toichi, M. (2017). Impaired detection of happy facial expressions in autism. Scientific Reports, 7, 13340. [PDF]

Uono, S., Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Kubota, Y., Sawada, R., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2017). Putamen volume is negatively correlated with the ability to recognize fearful facial expressions. Brain Topography, 30, 6, 774-784. [PDF] [PDF_for_Download] [Abstract]

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Matsuda, K., Usui, K., Usui, N., Inoue, Y., & Toichi, M. (2017). Bidirectional electric communication between the inferior occipital gyrus and the amygdala during face processing. Human Brain Mapping, 38, 9, 4511-4524. [PDF]

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Yoshimura, S., Kubota, Y., Sawada, R., Sakihama, M., & Toichi, M. (2017). Reduced gray matter volume in the social brain network in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11:395. [PDF]

Sato, W., Uono, S., Kochiyama, T., Yoshimura, S., Sawada, R., Kubota, Y., Sakihama, M., & Toichi, M. (2017). Structural correlates of reading the mind in the eyes in autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11:361. [PDF]

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2017). Neural mechanisms underlying conscious and unconscious gaze-triggered attentional orienting in autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11:339. [PDF]

Zhao, S., Uono, S., Yoshimura, S., Kubota, Y., & Toichi, M. (2017). Atypical gaze cueing pattern in a complex environment in individuals with ASD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47, 7, 1978-1986. [PDF]

Zhao, S., Li, C., Uono, S., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2017). Human cortical activity evoked by contextual processing in attention orienting. Scientific Reports, 7, 2962. [PDF]

Otsuka, S., Uono, S., Yoshimura, S., Zhao, S., & Toichi, M. (2017). Emotion perception mediates the predictive relationship between verbal ability and functional outcome in high-functioning adults with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47, 4, 1166-1182. [PDF]

Uono, S., Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Kubota, Y., Sawada, R., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2017). Time course of gamma-band oscillation associated with face processing in the inferior occipital gyrus and fusiform gyrus: A combined fMRI and MEG study. Human Brain Mapping, 38, 4, 2067-2079. [PDF] [Abstract]

Uono, S., Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Kubota, Y., Sawada, R., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2017). Neural substrates of the ability to recognize facial expressions: A voxel-based morphometry study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12, 3, 487-495. [PDF] [Abstract]

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Yoshikawa, S., & Toichi, M. (2017). Direction of amygdala–neocortex interaction during dynamic facial expression processing. Cerebral Cortex, 27, 3, 1878-1890. [PDF]


佐藤弥・澤田玲子・魚野翔太・義村さやか・久保田泰考・河内山隆紀・十一元三 (2016). 自閉症スペクトラム障害における効率的な幸福表情知覚の障害. 公益財団法人明治安田こころの健康財団研究助成論文集, 50, 94-100.

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Matsuda, K., Usui, K., Usui, N., Inoue, Y., & Toichi, M. (2016). Rapid gamma oscillations in the inferior occipital gyrus in response to eyes. Scientific Reports, 6, 36321. [PDF]

Yan, T., Zhao, S., Uono, S., Tian, A., Duan, D., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2016). Target object moderation of attentional orienting by gazes or arrows. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78, 8, 2373-2382. [PDF]

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Matsuda, K., Usui, K., Usui, N., Inoue, Y., & Toichi, M. (2016). Gamma oscillations in the temporal pole in response to eyes. PLoS One, 11, 8, e0162039. [PDF]

Sawada, R., Sato, W., Uono, S., Kochiyama, T., Yoshimura, S., Kubota, Y., & Toichi, M. (2016). Neuroticism delays detection of facial expressions. PLoS One, 11, 4, e0153400. [PDF]

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Kubota, Y., Uono, S., Sawada, R., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2016). The association between perceived social support and amygdala structure. Neuropsychologia, 85, 237-244. [PDF]

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Sawada, R., Kubota, Y., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2016). Structural neural substrates of reading the mind in the eyes. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10, 151. [PDF]

Kubota, Y., Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Yoshimura, S., Sawada, R., Sakihama, M., & Toichi, M. (2016). Putamen volume correlates with obsessive compulsive characteristics in healthy population. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 249, 97-104. [Google Scholar]

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., & Toichi, M. (2016). Neural mechanisms underlying conscious and unconscious attentional shifts triggered by eye gaze. NeuroImage, 124, PartA, 118-126. [プレスリリース] [PDF]


Zhao, S., Uono, S., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2015). Is impaired joint attention present in non-clinical individuals with high autistic traits? Molecular Autism, 6, 67. [PDF] [Google Scholar]

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Kubota, Y., Sawada, R., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2015). The structural neural substrate of subjective happiness. Scientific Reports, 5, 16891. [PDF] [Google Scholar] [プレスリリース]

Zhao, S., Uono, S., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2015). Self make-up: The influence of self-referential processing on attention orienting. Scientific Reports, 5, 14169. [PDF] [Google Scholar] [Abstract]

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., & Uono, S. (2015). Spatiotemporal neural network dynamics for the processing of dynamic facial expressions. Scientific Reports, 5, 12432. [PDF] [Google Scholar] [プレスリリース]

Uono, S., Sato, W., & Toichi, M. (2015). Exaggerated perception of facial expressions is increased in individuals with schizotypal traits. Scientific Reports, 5, 11795. [PDF] [Google Scholar] [Abstract]

Yoshimura, S., Sato, W., Uono, S., & Toichi, M. (2015). Impaired overt facial mimicry in response to dynamic facial expressions in high-functioning autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45, 5, 1318-1328. [PDF] [Google Scholar] [プレスリリース]

Uono, S., & Hietanen, J. K. (2015). Eye contact perception in the West and East: A cross-cultural study. PLoS ONE, 10, 2, e0118094. [PDF] [Google Scholar] [Abstract]


Sato, W., Kubota, Y., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Yoshimura, S., Sawada, R., Sakihama, M., & Toichi, M. (2014). Increased putamen volume in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 957. [PDF] [Google Scholar]

Uono, S., Sato, W., & Kochiyama, T. (2014). Commonalities and differences in the spatiotemporal neural dynamics associated with automatic attentional shifts induced by gaze and arrows. Neuroscience Research, 87, 56-65. [PDF] [Google Scholar]

Uono, S., Sato, W., & Toichi, M. (2014). Reduced representational momentum for subtle dynamic facial expressions in individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 8, 9, 1090-1099. [PDF] [Google Scholar] [Abstract]

Zhao, S., Uono, S., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2014). Attention orienting by eye gaze and arrows reveals flexibility to environmental changes. Acta Psychologica, 150, 100-105. [PDF] [Google Scholar]

Sawada, R., Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Kubota, Y., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2014). Sex differences in the rapid detection of emotional facial expressions. PLoS One, 9, 4, e94747. [PDF] [Google Scholar]

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Matsuda, K., Usui, K., Inoue, Y., & Toichi, M. (2014). Rapid, high-frequency, and theta-coupled gamma oscillations in the inferior occipital gyrus during face processing. Cortex, 60, 52-68. [PDF] [Google Scholar]

Sawada, R., Sato, W., Uono, S., Kochiyama, T., & Toichi, M. (2014). Electrophysiological correlates of the efficient detection of emotional facial expressions. Brain Research, 1560, 60-72. [PDF] [Google Scholar]


義村さや香・佐藤弥・魚野翔太・十一元三 (2013). 自閉症スペクトラム障害における自発的表情模倣の障害. 公益財団法人豊郷病院付属臨床精神医学研究所年報, 3, 25-28.

Zhao, S., Uono, S., Yoshimura, S., Kubota, Y., & Toichi, M. (2013). Can gaze-cueing be helpful for detecting sound in autism spectrum disorder? Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7, 10, 1250-1256. [PDF] [Google Scholar]

Sato, W., Uono, S., & Toichi, M. (2013). Atypical recognition of dynamic changes in facial expressions in autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7, 7, 906-912. [PDF] [Google Scholar]

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Matsuda, K., Usui, K., Inoue, Y., & Toichi, M. (2013). Rapid and multiple-stage activation of the human amygdala for processing facial signals. Communicative & Integrative Biology, 6, 4, e24562. [PDF] [Google Scholar]

Uono, S., Sato, W. & Toichi, M. (2013). Common and unique impairments in facial-expression recognition in pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified and Asperger's disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7, 2, 361-368. [PDF] [Google Scholar] [Abstract]


Sato, W., Toichi, M., Uono, S., & Kochiyama, T. (2012). Impaired social brain network for processing dynamic facial expressions in autism spectrum disorders. BMC Neuroscience, 13:99. [PDF] [Google Scholar] [プレスリリース]

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Matsuda, K., Usui, K., Inoue, Y., & Toichi, M. (2012). Temporal profile of amygdala gamma oscillations in response to faces. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24, 6, 1420-1433. [PDF] [Google Scholar]


Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Matsuda, K., Usui, K., Inoue, Y., & Toichi, M. (2011). Rapid amygdala oscillations in response to eye gaze. PLoS ONE, 6, 11, e28188. [PDF] [Google Scholar]

Uono, S., Sato, W.,  & Toichi, M. (2011). The specific impairment of fearful expression recognition and its atypical development in pervasive developmental disorder. Social Neuroscience, 6, 5-6, 452-463. [PDF] [Google Scholar] [Abstract]

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., Matsuda, K., Usui, K., Inoue, Y., & Toichi, M. (2011). Rapid amygdala gamma oscillations in response to fearful facial expressions. Neuropsychologia, 49, 4, 612-617. [PDF] [Google Scholar]

Krasnow, M. M., Truxaw, D., Gaulin, S., New, J., Ozono, H., Uono, S., Ueno, T., & Minemoto, K. (2011). Cognitive adaptations for gathering-related navigation in humans. Evolution & Human Behavior, 32, 1, 1-12. [PDF] [Google Scholar]


Sato, W., Uono, S., Okada, T., & Toichi, M. (2010). Impairment of unconscious, but not conscious, gaze-triggered attention orienting in Asperger's disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 4, 4, 782–786. [PDF] [Google Scholar]

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., & Yoshikawa, S. (2010). Amygdala integrates emotional expression and gaze direction in response to dynamic facial expressions. NeuroImage, 50, 4, 1658-1665. [PDF] [Google Scholar]

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., & Yoshikawa, S. (2010). Automatic attentional shifts by gaze, gestures, and symbols. Psychologia: An International Journal of Psychological Sciences, 53, 1, 27-35. [PDF] [Google Scholar]

Uono, S., Sato, W., & Toichi, M. (2010). Brief report: Representational momentum for dynamic facial expressions in pervasive developmental disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40, 3, 371-377. [PDF] [Google Scholar] [Abstract]


Uono, S., Sato, W., & Toichi, M. (2009). Dynamic fearful gaze does not enhance attention orienting in individuals with Asperger's disorder. Brain and Cognition, 71, 3, 229-233. [PDF] [Google Scholar] [Abstract]

Uono, S., Sato, W., & Toichi, M. (2009). Dynamic fearful expressions enhance gaze-triggered attention orienting in high and low anxiety individuals. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 37, 10, 1313-1326. [PDF] [Google Scholar] [Abstract]

Uono, S., Sato, W., Michimata, C., Yoshikawa, S., & Toichi, M. (2009). Facilitation of gaze-triggered attention orienting by a fearful expression and its relationship to anxiety. Psychologia: An International Journal of Psychological Sciences, 52, 3, 188-197. [PDF] [Google Scholar] [Abstract]

Sato, W., Uono, S., Matsuura, M., & Toichi, M. (2009). Misrecognition of facial expressions in delinquents. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 3:27. [PDF] [Google Scholar] [Abstract]

Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., & Yoshikawa, S. (2009). Commonalities in the neural mechanisms underlying automatic attentional shifts by gaze, gestures, and symbols. Neuroimage, 45, 3, 984-992. [PDF] [Google Scholar]


Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Uono, S., & Yoshikawa, S. (2008). Time course of superior temporal sulcus activity in response to eye gaze: A combined fMRI and MEG study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 3, 3, 224-232. [PDF] [Google Scholar]

佐藤弥・魚野翔太・松浦直己・十一元三 (2008). 非行少年における表情認識の問題. 明治安田こころの健康財団研究助成論文集, 43, 157-163.

佐藤弥・魚野翔太・松浦直己・十一元三 (2008). 非行少年における表情認識の問題. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 108, 1-6. [Impaired recognition of facial expression in juvenile delinquents]

佐藤弥・魚野翔太・十一元三 (2008). アスペルガー障害と扁桃体. Clinical Neuroscience, 26, 458-459. 

魚野翔太・佐藤弥・道又爾・吉川左紀子・十一元三 (2007). 状態不安と恐怖表情が視線による注意シフトに与える影響. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 106, 37-42. [The Effect of State Anxiety and Fearful Faces on Gaze-triggered Attention Orienting]

佐藤弥・魚野翔太 (2006). 視線認知の神経メカニズム. 心理学ワールド, 34, 13-16. 


Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., & Uono, S. (submitted)

Hayashi, S., Uono, S., Egashira, Y., Ukezono, M., Takada, M., & Okada, T. (submitted)

Hayashi, S., Uono, S., Egashira, Y., Ukezono, M., Takada, M., & Okada, T. (準備中)

Egashira, Y., Hayashi, S., Uono, S., Ukezono, M., Takada, M., & Okada, T. (準備中)

Zhao, S., Uono, S., Zhang, Z., et al. (準備中)

Uono, S., Egashira, Y., Hayashi, S., Takada, M., Ukezono, M., & Okada, T. (準備中)


魚野翔太 (印刷中). 高次脳機能の生理と障害.

Zhao, S., Uono, S., Hu, R.-Q., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M. (2023). Self-referential and social salient information influences memory following attention orienting. In C. Rossi-Arnaud, D. Sarauli, P. Spataro, & M.W. Prull (Eds.), The Attentional Boost Effect and Related Phenomena: New insights Into the Relation Between Attention and Memory. Lausanne, Switzerland: Frontiers Media.

佐藤弥・魚野翔太 (2017). 第5章 感情と脳.鈴木直人・片山順一(編).生理心理学と精神生理学 第Ⅱ巻. 

佐藤弥・魚野翔太・鈴木直人 (2010). 第12章 情動. 村上郁也(編). イラストレクチャー 認知神経科学 -心理学と脳科学が解くこころの仕組み-. オーム社. pp.197-214. 

佐藤弥・魚野翔太・十一元三 (2009) 広汎性発達障害の神経基盤. 須田治(編).子どもへの発達支援のエッセンス2:情動的な人間関係の問題への対応.金子書房. pp.205-226. 

Academic Dissertations

Uono, S. (2010). Psychological and neural bases of social cognitive dysfunction in individuals with pervasive developmental disorder. 京都大学大学院教育学研究科博士論文. [広汎性発達障害における社会認知障害の基盤となる心理・神経メカニズム] [PDF] [要旨]

魚野翔太 (2008). 表情が視線による注意シフトに与える影響. 京都大学大学院教育学研究科修士論文. [The Effect of Facial Expressions on Gaze-triggered Attention Orienting (in individuals with and without Asperger's disorder)]

魚野翔太 (2006). 特性不安と状態不安が視線-表情相互作用に与える影響ー行動指標と事象関連電位を用いた検討ー. 上智大学文学部卒業論文. [The Effect of Anxiety on the Interaction of Gaze Processing with Emotion Processing: A Behavioral and ERP Study] 


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